Our mission is to save cultural heritage

Examination Senate

Examination Senate decides about the ability to perform the liberal profession „restorer“ in the respective specialisation of restoration. The Examination Senate mainly:

  • decides on not admitance to the specialised restorerś examination or authorisation examination,
  • from it members the Senate elects and recalls a chairperson and a vice chairperson,
  • organises and performs specialised restorer´s examinations and authorisation examinations,
  • decides about crediting of the obliged practise and acceptance of the specialised practise in the relevant specialisation,
  • controlls the performance of the specialised practice and continuous inscriptions in the Book of specialised practice,
  • discusses proposals, iniciatives or complaints by the chair of the Senate, other members of the Senate or the Board of the Chamber,
  • gives proposals and advices to the Board of the Chamber concerning the improvement of the contens and organisation of the specialised restorer´s exams and authorisation exams.

(simplified wording)

Members of the Examination Senate

Bedrich Hoffstädter, akad.soch.

Vice chair:
Prof. Jozef Porubovič, akad. soch.

Tomáš Lupták, akad.soch.
Peter Kresánek, historik umenia
Vladimír Gazdík
Mgr. Juraj Žáry, CSc.
Ľubomír Sabo, akad.soch.
Dušan Hagara, akad.soch.
Brigita Hradská - Haászová
Jozef Dorica, akad.mal.
Prof.PhDr.Ivan Rusina, člen Csc.
Jozef Lupták, akad.soch.
PhDr.Zdeněk Vácha


Act no. 200/1994 Coll. Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic on the Chamber of Restorers and on the performance of restoration activities of its members and the Statutes of the Chamber of the Restorers are located on the Legislation subpage.